1. Responsible for the treatment

The entity responsible for the collection and processing of your personal data DANAUS RELOCATION (en adelante, DANAUS), con CIF B0000000 y con domicilio en Calle Velázquez – 28001 Madrid.

2. Purpose of the treatment

DANAUS notifies you that the personal data that you voluntarily provide us by the different means enabled for this purpose will be processed annually and / or automated for the following purposes:

  • Identify you and be able to contact you.
  • Know their opinion and carry out surveys.
  • When we are authorized to do so, to be able to send you information, by any means, about the services, events, conferences and other initiatives promoted by DANAUS.
  • When requested, to periodically send you our newsletters and legal current publications.
  • Comply with the legally established obligations, as well as verify compliance with contractual obligations, including fraud prevention.
3. Categories of data that are processed

Attending to the aforementioned purposes, DANAUS treats the following categories of data:

  • Identification data: name, surname, postal address, email address, postal code, telephone.
  • Academic and professional data: training / degrees, student history, professional experience, membership in professional associations or schools, in the case of selection processes.
  • Traffic and location data.
  • Electronic communications metadata.
  • Commercial information data.
  • Economic, or financial, banking data.
  • The personal data requested is mandatory, so that the refusal to supply them will mean the impossibility of carrying out the provision of the contracted services.

The user guarantees that the data provided is true, accurate, complete and up-to-date, being responsible for any damage or loss, direct or indirect, that may be caused as a result of the breach of such obligation. In the event that the user provides data from third parties, they declare that they have their consent and undertake to pass on the information contained in this clause, exempting DANAUS from any responsibility in this regard. However, DANAUS may carry out the verifications to verify this fact, adopting the corresponding due diligence measures, in accordance with the data protection regulations.

4. Legitimation

The legal basis for DANAUS to carry out the processing of user data is found in the consent of the interested party.
For its part, the management of the contracting of services, payment, billing and corresponding shipments, is legitimized by the execution of the contract itself, being therefore in this case the legal basis, the contractual relationship that binds it to DANAUS.


5. Data retention

The data you provide will be kept for as long as necessary in order to guarantee compliance with the legal obligations that correspond to DANAUS.


6. Communication and access to your data

Your data may be communicated to the different offices of DANAUS – which you can consult at, which may be located within or outside the European Economic Area.
In this regard, DANAUS has adopted all the necessary legal measures to guarantee that the transfer of data to said countries is safe and in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations and has signed the corresponding standard contractual clauses in order to guarantee the international transfer of data.
Likewise, service providers and suppliers with whom we have signed the corresponding contracts may have access to their data, the use of which is necessary for them to guarantee DANAUS’s relationship with contacts and clients. In any case, the necessary legal and organizational measures will be adopted to guarantee security and access to data.
Additionally, we inform you that certain data, within the framework of current regulations or the contractual relationship that you maintain with DANAUS, may be communicated to:

  • Public administrations with competence in the sectors of activity of LEXPYME, when established by current regulations.
  • The State Security Forces and Bodies by virtue of the provisions of the Law.
  • Banks and financial entities for the collection of the services offered.
  • Other professionals in the legal field, when such communication is legally necessary, or for the execution of the contracted services.
7. Rights

In the terms established in the current data protection regulations, you may revoke at any time the authorization granted for the treatment, as well as exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, portability and the right to request the limitation of treatment of your personal data. To do this, you can write to DANAUS, attaching a copy of the document that proves your identity, by email to

Likewise, the user has the right to file a claim with a competent control authority. In Spain, the authority is the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

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